Compile gnocky with libgnokii from gnokii 0.6.17

Edit 2007/07/07: next version of gnocky will be available from

The following patches written by Daniele Forsi allow to:

  • use gnocky 0.0.3 with (gn_cfg_read_default() and gn_cfg_phone_load())
  • tolerate missing network coverage (GN_ERR_NOTAVAILABLE)
  • read SMS from "SM" if phone doesn't support "IN"
  • fix parts of the GUI (Refresh button still non functional)
  • fix a memory leak (gtk_set_locale())

To compile the CVS version of gnocky you need to create an empty NEWS file in the top directory and fix the Makefile in the po directory (which is not including Makevars and so top_builddir is empty instead of ..).

Home page for gnokii:

Home page for gnocky:

Get rf level with gnokii

Easy program to print signal strength (RF level) returned by phone. It prints a number that you can assign to a variable or check in a conditional, e.g.:

[ $(rf_level) -lt 1 ] && echo "no signal"

Some phones have a range of -1..4 (with -1 meaning "no signal"), others have a range of 0..100 (with 0 meaning "no signal")
If you can send AT commands to your phone you can get this value using AT+CSQ but not all phones support this command and some take so long to answer to this command that communication times out if used with gnokii (LG U8120 is one that times out, you might succeed if you first send this command using minicom).

This is the same value reported by gnokii --monitor while xgnokii translates this value graphically showing 0 to 4 segments.

C source code: example: dialvoice.c 0.2

This small program dials a voice call using libgnokii version 3. Note that at this moment it has been tested only with a Nokia 3330.

Edit 2006-07-16:
Tested with Nokia 3210, will work with driver nk6100.c version 1.187 or later (gnokii later than 0.6.13) but will not detect if call is terminated from outside the program.

Edit2 2006-07-16:
Tested with Nokia 3310, will work with driver nk6100.c version 1.189 or later (gnokii later than 0.6.13) but will not detect if call is terminated from outside the program.

Changes since version 0.1

  • exit loop if the call is terminated from outside this program